Since the first cases of COVID-19 appeared in January 2020, provider organizations have adjusted to the new situation, and financial navigators have continued to provide vital services for patients who rely on them to gain access to treatment.

With this in mind, TailorMed’s Clara Lambert and Christie Lee set out to research the roles and responsibilities that financial navigators play in their organizations, specifically with regard to the limitations and changes placed on them by COVID-19.

To learn about the impact that COVID-19 has had on the financial navigator’s ability to provide financial navigation and support, review TailorMed’s research below.

“Financial Navigation and the Roles and Responsibilities and the Effects of COVID-19”

The research was initially presented at the AONN+ Annual Navigation & Survivorship Conference (Nov 4-8, 2020). This annual four-day event gave attendees ample opportunities to connect with peers, meet members of the AONN+ Leadership Council, share best practices, and get a glimpse of the latest innovations from exhibitors to aid in providing optimal patient care. To learn more about this year’s conference and read the highlights, take a look at our AONN+ conference recap.

Financial navigators play a crucial role in assisting patients in their care journey, and our findings from this research show that the COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the necessity of this role. During the pandemic, many financial navigators experienced changes to their work environment like working from home, reduced hours and reduced workforce. Despite these obstacles, they were still able to support patients, and some teams, like larger teams and pharmacy departments, were able to support even more patients throughout the pandemic. Future research should focus on the reasons why larger teams and pharmacy departments were able to assist more patients.

If you have questions about the research, or would like to learn more, please contact us at [email protected]. Additionally, if you would like to partner with TailorMed or our financial navigators for research on how to remove financial barriers to care, or implement a successful financial navigation program at your practice, reach out to us at [email protected].